Vistara is a non-invasive prenatal screening test that examines genetic abnormalities in the developing fetus based on the mother’s blood sample during pregnancy. This test aims to detect potential abnormalities that could be inherited from either parent, transmitted through somatic chromosomes

The Vistara prenatal screening test checks for a range of genetic abnormalities and associated symptoms, including but not limited to:
• Hereditary Brittle Bone Disease (Osteogenesis Imperfecta): This condition leads to fragile bones that break easily, often with minimal or no apparent cause.
• Noonan Syndrome: It is characterized by abnormal physical features, growth issues, and potential organ abnormalities.
• Skeletal Abnormalities: These refer to irregularities in the structure or development of the skeletal system.
• Dwarfism: A condition resulting in shorter stature than typical for one’s age group.
• Rett’s Syndrome: This is a severe developmental disorder that involves loss of acquired skills, impaired motor abilities, and the potential for multiple physical and cognitive abnormalities.
Vistara’s comprehensive genetic analysis can identify these symptoms and assess the risk of associated genetic conditions, offering valuable information during pregnancy.

This test utilizes a unique technique from the United States and boasts a precision rate of over 99%. It screens approximately 30 genes associated with severe symptom disease groups. Notably, Can identify symptoms that may not be detectable through other methods.

Who should get tested?

Vistara prenatal screening is suitable for:
• Mothers who are concerned about their child’s development.
• Mothers with partners over 40 years old.
• Families with a history of genetic diseases.
• Infants diagnosed by doctors with abnormal organs through ultrasound.

Key highlight

Which genes are screened for?

Vistara prenatal screening checks for genetic abnormalities related to five disease symptom groups, examining up to 30 genes. These include:
1. Craniosynostosis: Abnormal symptoms in the child’s physical development, such as the skull, arms, legs, hands, and feet (FGFR2).
2. Neurological conditions: Abnormal symptoms related to neurological development (CDKL5, MECP2, SYNGAP1).
3. Noonan spectrum disorders: Abnormal symptoms associated with heart development, skin, and abnormally short stature (BRAF1, CBL, HRAS, KRAS, MAP2K1, MAP2K2, NRAS, PTPN11, RAF1, RIT1, SHOC2, SOS1, SOS2).
4. Skeletal disorders: Abnormal symptoms affecting physical development, including bones and muscles (FGFR3, COL1A1, COL1A2).
5. Syndromic disorders: Abnormal symptoms affecting heart and kidney development, often leading to seizures (CHD7, HDAC8, JAG1, NIPBL, NSD1, RAD21, SMC1A, SMC3, TSC1, TSC2).